Jackie Denton with Coconut Grove
Check out Coconut Grove on their socials! Facebook: Coconut Grove Instagram: coconutgrove_chillicothe
What is the inspiration behind the name of your business?
The word coconut references the product Jackie started selling, which got her into the business she is in today. Before Coconut Grove, Jackie began producing and selling her own coconut oil. When she first started, she sold her coconut oil on eBay and at her friend’s shop. Eventually, her business expanded, and with more customers and new merchandise, she needed a bigger space.
The word grove comes from Jackie’s maiden name, Grove. When her father passed away, she knew she wanted to honor their last name by incorporating it into her business name.
What keeps you excited and motivated?
Jackie said her grandchildren keep her motivated, and she loves to spend time with them. When it comes to her business, the thing that keeps her excited is all the people she meets. “You never know who’s going to walk in,” she says.
What is your favorite Main Street event?
Jackie said her favorite Main Street event is BooFest. She and her staff love seeing all the different costumes people wear and the large number of people it brings downtown.
Would you survive the zombie apocalypse?
Jackie wasn’t sure if she would survive the zombie apocalypse. She says, “If I had a flame thrower the odds may be different.”