Missouri Main Street Capitol Day
Missouri Main Street Connection Hosts Main Street Capitol Day
Missouri Main Street Connection Inc, (MMSC) hosted Main Street Capitol Day in Jefferson City on January 23, 2024. The annual event gathered Main Street communities from across the state to visit with legislators to highlight their efforts in downtown revitalization, economic development, and small business support which generates economic growth. Members of Main Street organizations throughout the state shared information and insight with the legislators about the impact Main Street has had on their communities. Main Street communities, guided by MMSC, help create strong, locally-based economies that also enhance the statewide economy as well. Utilizing these principles of preservation-based economic development, taught by Missouri Main Street Connection, it helps local Main Street organizations create sustainable, long term economic success for their communities.
Missouri Main Street Connection is a non-profit that follows its mission to help communities preserve their historic commercial districts through economic revitalization. MMSC has empowered downtown revitalization in Missouri communities since 2006, resulting in $1.2 billion of private and public investments, the creation of 1,155 net new businesses, and the development of 5,313 net new jobs in Main Street districts as of the end of third quarter of 2023.
State Director, Gayla Roten noted, “Local Main Street organizations work diligently to support their local small businesses and create a positive influence on their community, establishing an environment for increased investment and economic growth. Missouri Main Street communities are making great strides in revitalizing their historic districts and we were excited to share that work with legislators during Main Street Capitol Day.”
Missouri Main Street Connection is a statewide program currently providing services and training to over 130 communities across the state. MMSC offers education and mentoring in downtown revitalization strategies using the Main Street Approach™ as developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The approach is a comprehensive methodology addressing all components of revitalization including organization, design, economic vitality, and promotions, all within the context of historic preservation.